Corruption Category Regulation
Anti-corruption work relating to the regulation of the healthcare sector. Corruption in healthcare regulation is a serious issue and recognised as such – failures or breaches of regulation put patients in danger.
November 2019
Private Healthcare: Governance Challenges and Way Out
The main objective of this research is to identify the challenges of governance in private healthcare programs and to recommend ways to overcome them. The specific objectives of this research are to: 1. Review the existing legal and institutional framework governing private healthcare institutions. 2. Identify the nature of irregularities and corruption in private healthcare…

November 2019
Governance of the Directorate of Drug Administration: Challenges and Way forward
The study assessed the effectiveness of the Government Drug Administration in tackling corruption. The study follows recent measures by the Government to strengthen the capacities of the Drug Administration. These include increasing the workforce in field offices, investing in capacity building, and enhancing the central drug laboratory. Moreover, the Government Drug Administration has taken measures…

July 2020
Supporting the implementation of drug control policies
The main objective of this project is to promote public health through the prevention and fight against illegal drugs, alcohol abuse and tobacco consumption in communities. It aims to create community-based anti-drugs coalitions to inform, educate and sensitize adolescents and young people about disorders related to the use of psychoactive substances. To date, we count 7 coalitions in Lomé .
July 2020
Supporting the implementation of the WHO Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC)
The project aims to improve public health through strengthening the Togolese Tobacco Control Law. The main objective is to achieve the integration of a 100% smoke-free policy and graphic pictorial health warning in the law in line with the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).
November 2019
Transparency Tools for the Private Sector: Promoting Tools to Improve Transparency Standards in the Pharmaceutical Sector – Multi-Sectorial Transparency Agreement
The aim is to promote transparency in the pharmaceutical sector.
Specific objectives:
i) to provide a space for knowledge-sharing and networking, with a view to set up an agenda for multi-stakeholder collaboration and increase transparency in the pharmaceutical sector;
ii) to create a guide outlining principles that strengthen transparency in the sector, which would support the signing of multi-stakeholder transparency agreements (MTA);
iii) to promote synergies among all relevant actors within the pharmaceutical sector
November 2019
Lobbying, Power and Health – A European Vision
The purpose of the publication was to open up the debate on lobbying and to define it in both the Finish and in the international context, particularly concerning public health legislation for sugar and alcohol tax. An additional purpose was to challenge the negative connotations attached to lobbying: Decision-makers need information, and interest groups want to share it with them. However, those with power and resources are more likely to be able to get their message across, especially if lobbying is not made transparent. Influence on legislation that is exerted behind closed doors can endanger democracy.
November 2019
Improve Transparency and Accountability in Health Sector under Building Integrity Blocks for Effective Change (BIBEC) Project
The overall objective of BIBEC is to concentrate on building and strengthening a series of mutually supportive and reinforcing integrity blocks to effectively reduce corruption. “Blocks” hereby mean the key institutions, i.e., policy/law, education, training, ethics and values, and above all, the citizens of the country.
November 2019
Curing the Unhealthy Health System in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The central objective of the project is to contribute to reducing corruption in the health sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina through the engagement of Civil Society Organisation (CSOs) in policy formulation, decision-making and support of public healthcare institutions in providing a more efficient and better quality health services. Main activities will focus on improving the transparency, accountability and integrity of 15 healthcare institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina by providing systemic solutions to key areas at risk of corruption including public procurement, human resources management and financial management and patients’ waiting lists. Further, the project aims to increase the relevance of CSOs and media in the fight against corruption in the health sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
November 2019
Enhancing Community Awareness on the Linkage between Corruption and Human Rights
The Coalition for Accountability and Integrity (AMAN) worked throughout this project on sharing knowledge on the linkage between corruption and human rights by compiling a practical assessment for Palestine with focus on the fundamental right to health, increasing community awareness on this linkage, and empowering CSOs working on health to include integrity, transparency, accountability and anti-corruption perspectives in their work in order to hold officials accountable for corruption and violation of human rights.
November 2019
Curiamo la corruzione (We Treat Corruption)
The aim of the project was to aim to increase awareness of corruption in the healthcare sector, to train the staff of healthcare and hospital companies, and to implement and test innovative tools and specific organisational models.
Global Partners:
GlaxoSmithKline Plc. World Health Organisation (WHO) Novartis Department for International Development UK (DIFD) Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)Regional Partners:
Hospital Health Management Committees
Ministry of Health
NGO or Civil Society Organisation
Governmental Institution
International Agency
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Individuals or general public
Centre for Civic Initiatives
Healthcare association or trade body
University, academia or research institution