region Middle East & Northern Africa

chapter Chapters







Palestine Tunisia

research Research

November 2019

Improving the Quality of Health Care in the Public Sector

Chapter: Jordan

The research aimed to demonstrate how transparency in the health sector can improve the efficiency of budget allocations and result in improved overall care. TI Jordan conducted a survey in eight government hospitals in central Jordan (three in the north and two in the south) to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of secondary health care…

View Research Paper Overview

project Projects

July 2020

ALAC’s approach to COVID-19

The main objective of this project is to provide legal assistance to citizens as well as work with other civil society organisations and the government to enhance Tunisia’s COVID-19 response in order to improve the country’s social accountability mechanisms.

Policy & Insititutional Change:

Improved enforcement of policies

Behaviour Change:

Anti-Corruption Activism

Community Action

November 2019

Enhancing Community Awareness on the Linkage between Corruption and Human Rights

The Coalition for Accountability and Integrity (AMAN) worked throughout this project on sharing knowledge on the linkage between corruption and human rights by compiling a practical assessment for Palestine with focus on the fundamental right to health, increasing community awareness on this linkage, and empowering CSOs working on health to include integrity, transparency, accountability and anti-corruption perspectives in their work in order to hold officials accountable for corruption and violation of human rights.

Policy & Insititutional Change:

Improved enforcement of policies

Policy Adoption & Amendment

Behaviour Change:

Anti-Corruption Activism

partner Partners

Global Partners:
Regional Partners:

Ministry of Health

Governmental Institution


NGO or Civil Society Organisation