
Lobbying, Power and Health – A European Vision

Chapter: Finland | Project range: National | Year: 2017

Chapter details

About the chapter:
Transparency International Finland (TI Finland) is a politically independent and non-profit organization dedicated to preventing corruption and promoting transparency, accountability, ethics, integrity and the rule of law across various areas of society.

CPI Score: 85

CPI Rank: 3

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National Partners:
Physicians for Social Responsibility

Theory of Change

Change Type:




The purpose of the publication was to open up the debate on lobbying and to define it in both the Finish and in the international context, particularly concerning public health legislation for sugar and alcohol tax. An additional purpose was to challenge the negative connotations attached to lobbying: Decision-makers need information, and interest groups want to share it with them. However, those with power and resources are more likely to be able to get their message across, especially if lobbying is not made transparent. Influence on legislation that is exerted behind closed doors can endanger democracy.


Whilst lobbying is a well-known phenomenon in all political circles, few states regulate lobbying at a national legislative level. In April 2015, only 20 states worldwide had national legislation for the regulation of lobbying in place. Lobbying provisions also varied considerably in both scale and quality, ranging from mandatory rules to voluntary guidelines. Often the lobbying legislation created an environment which better served the private sector, making it difficult for health practitioners to compete.


  • TI Finland co-wrote a publication on lobbying in healthcare and its regulation in collaboration with Physicians for Social Responsibility.
    AdvocacyPublication of report & guidanceResearch & analysis


  • Publication was published in 2017

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