Research Paper

How do Lithuanian healthcare institutions aim to prevent corruption?

Chapter: Lithuania | Year: 2019

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About the chapter:

Transparency International Lithuania was founded by the Open Society Fund Lithuania and established on the 6th June 2000. TI Lithuania is a non-political organisation that cooperates and coordinates its activities with governmental and non-governmental institutions in both Lithuania and abroad.

CPI Score: 59

CPI Rank: 38

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National Partners:
Governmental Institution

Theory of Change

Policy & Insititutional Change
Policy Adoption & Amendment Better Institutional Processes


  1. 13 (out of 17) healthcare institutions accountable to the Ministry of Health have anti-corruption programmes. These programmes, however, do not indicate what they have identified as the main problem which they are trying to eradicate, and how they aim to achieve their objectives.
  2. Only one quarter of anti-corruption measures (96 out of 415) are found to be authentic and specifically adapted to a specific healthcare institution.


  1. Healthcare institutions should prioritise one to two anti-corruption goals and indicate how they are going to achieve them.
  2. Healthcare institutions should periodically publish information on how services are being evaluated by patients and how they are addressing the indicated issues.

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