Chapter Slovakia

Transparency Slovakia works to reduce corruption and increase the transparency of institutions. It scrutinises the powerful, pushes for solutions and engages people in public scrutiny. It’s vision is to work towards a Slovakia with responsible-minded citizens and open institutions without corruption.

CPI Score - 50/100

CPI Ranking - 57

Years active: 2014 >

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research Research

August 2020

How to improve healthcare with little money

Chapter: Slovakia

On the basis of an information request, the opposition asked the hospitals for data on how long cancer patients had to wait for diagnosis and treatment. They found that the number of patients waiting longer than the recommended 62 days had doubled since 2010. In 2018, there is no access to monitor such data. Since…

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August 2020

Too much politisation, too little transparency

Chapter: Slovakia

The Health Care Supervisory Office receives more than 2,000 appeals per year. In 2016, The Office assessed half of the 20141 complaints as unfounded. Most complaints related to patients' dissatisfaction with the provided medical care. The public is neither informed about the reasoning behind these decisions, nor about how the subject of complaint was prosecuted…

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November 2019

Open Data to Fight Corruption: Health Sector

Chapter: Slovakia

This case study published by TI Slovakia aims to provide guidance to policy-makers and activists in a diverse range of countries on how specific data sets can used to prevent, detect and investigate corruption. An investigation of procurement data by TI Slovakia revealed that many criteria of open data are not being met or are…

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November 2019

Transparency and Professionalism of Drug Reimbursement Policy

Chapter: Slovakia

Slovakia spent a total of €1.1 billion of public funds in 2015 on medicines (reimbursed to health insurance companies). This is more than the annual budgets for the Ministries of Defence and Culture combined. The categorisation of medicines is a key part of the decision-making process on drug expenditure. The health care system decides whether…

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November 2019

Management Of Conflicts Of Interest in Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Industry Cooperation

Chapter: Slovakia

The research explored the potential conflicts of interest that doctors face when working with the pharmaceutical industry and at the same time being involved in the categorisation of medicines - deciding which medicines to pay for with public health insurance resources (risks of biased drug decisions).

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project Projects

September 2020

Investigation of fraud in healthcare procurement

From 2014 to 2016, Transparency International Slovakia analysed open data in procurement to investigate fraud in health care.

September 2020

Transparency ranking for hospitals

Together with INEKO, Transparency International Slovakia ranked all Slovak hospitals according to their level of transparency, from 2016 to 2019. The transparency indicators were based on annual reports, spending, contracts, procurement data, and staff information, among others.
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