Chapter Romania

Established in 1999, Transparency International Romania (TI-RO) is one of the main sources of knowledge for development solutions nationwide. TI-RO consists of specialized staff and experts in different sectors, including health, to bring cutting-edge knowledge and solutions to public and private organisations across the country.

CPI Score - 47/100

CPI Ranking - 61

Years active: 2014 >

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research Research

November 2019

Promoting Integrity and Reducing Vulnerabilities to Corruption in the Romanian Health System

Chapter: Romania

Some of the priorities of Romania through the National Development Program 2007-2013 regarding health (priorities that overlap with those of the Government Program) are "increasing the accessibility of the population to health services", "improving the quality and safety of the medical act" ", "decision-making transparency in order to increase the efficiency in the use of…

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