Chapter New Zealand

Transparency International New Zealand (TINZ) is the recognised New Zealand representative of Transparency International, the global civil society organisation against corruption. We are a not-for-profit incorporated society with charitable status. We are non-political and non-partisan.

CPI Score - 87/100

CPI Ranking - 2

Years active: 2008 >

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research Research

No Research papers at this time

project Projects

November 2019

Influencing Increased Transparency in Clinical Trials

The work focused on engaging with regulators for a general review of the legislation governing medications. The goal was to influence stronger compliance around clinical trial registers, lodging and reporting. Working with partners (TranspaiMED and Mesh Down Under), the work sought to encourage the New Zealand Government to subscribe to the World Health Organisation joint statement on public disclosure of results from clinical trials.

Policy & Insititutional Change:

Improved enforcement of policies

partner Partners

Global Partners:
Regional Partners:

Mesh Down Under

Ministry of Health